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Dearly Beloved,

We are grateful for your interest in our ministry and we hope you have been tremendously blessed. We will like to inform you that we have developed a more robust website with more features in order to serve you better. the new site is It is already loaded with many Podcasts , recent posts, ask a question anonymously feature and an opportunity to Give. Please do subscribe . God bless you real Good.


Oluwatobi Alli

Jesus is Coming Anytime From Now!

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you.For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night

1Thes 5:1-2

  jewish-war-and-second-coming                                                                              courtesy: google

Early Sunday morning between 3am to 4am 17/01/2016. I had a revelation. I was having a conversation with one of my beloved mentors in Canaan land. As we were talking suddenly there dropped from the sky without any sign and sound, a very massive Horse made of Gold.
As I was watching steadfastly what was Going on, more Horses of the same kind followed they were charging like one going into battle, I lost count of their number but they must have been tens of thousands in the least with riders on them.

I kept watching trying to see the end of this and I saw at their end the biggest Golden horse with a Massive being seated on it who was so huge that I could not see his head as His trunk reached further than the visible sky.

I then heard a Voice (which I later found out was Jesus’)
That said ‘I have come to take over the government of this World’

The way this took place was without any sign in the sky nor did the horses begin to increase as they descended(like an airplane) . It was instantaneous!

Beloved Jesus coming is anytime from now, if you don’t have a tangible relationship with Him. I will beg you to do so.

This is not about any religion,  it is Jesus that is coming to Judge not any other person. Only those that have accepted Him will be free from the chaos and eternal punishment!

Accept Jesus today!

If you will like to accept Jesus or know more. You can contact me or any True Believer near you.

Your’s in His Service

Pst Oluwatobi Alli

pls share!

Great God, Great Baby!

2048 years ago Deity condescended into humanity, the lowest form as a matter of fact. He became a cell,  that developed into a Zygote that later became a baby because of you.

The Creator was humble enough to leave heaven and chose to squeeze Himself into  His creatures Womb JUST TO COME AND SAVE YOU!

His birth ushered in the beginning of a New man and a promise of Eternal Life for You.
How great is His love for you.
May all His desire for you and your family come to pass this Season.


Jesus_in_the_womb_20224cPhoto: Courtesy Google